Wednesday, November 01, 2006

First Impression

In an earlier post Dave mentioned that he first met me in the dorm hallway at Stanford, but that I don't remember. That's true. What I do remember from that same weekend though, is that Dave was up at Stanford because he was going to our senior formal with our mutual friend Ruth, and that in spite of a bum knee he'd recently injured playing basketball, he still came up, rented a tux, took Ruth to the dance, and made sure they had a great time -- dancing with crutches and all. Maybe he was on some strong painkillers, who knows, but it left a good first impression on me.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all it was a sprained ankle that had swollen up to the size of a large cantelope. And yes I was on major painkillers. I had a great time. I remember calling Ruth a few days beforehand and telling her about my ankle and being on crutches. Ruth thought I was joking. "Your kidding, right?" :)


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