Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The 1st Time We Met

Jen doesn't remember this, but I do. I was visiting my friend Ruth at Stanford. Ruth was introducing me to all her friends in the girls dorm(I liked the place). I was walking down the hallway and I remember this tall asian girl walking toward me. She was wearing sweats and had this short bobby haircut. I thought she was cute and that was it. "Hi" "Hi" and then 5 or 6 years later we hung out.
It was after I had returned from 2 months in Bali. I had taught for 1 year with my best friend Bill out in Rancho Cucamonga(not the best place to live for a surfer). I was a little tired of Southern California and wanted to explore. So, I went and visited my friend Ruth up in Palo Alto. I had fun going to her office (Condi's) and meeting a lot of her cute girlfriends. Ruth was living with Jen and I thought she was super cute and really flirty. So, I stayed at their place for like 2 weeks exploring and having fun and eventually started looking for a job up here. One night, Jen had told me about this great movie that she couldn't believe I hadn't seen: L.A. Confidential. We stayed up til like 2 am (late nights would be in our future: World Cup) on a work night. I was soooo into the movie, it was awesome, I was totally freaking out about who was going to get who and who did what, and I had fun with Jen. That was the 1st time we really hung out. Years later we started hanging out again and eventually had our first kiss. (to be continued)


At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave- You forgot to mention that after the infamous LA Confidential night I grilled you the next day on what your "intentions" were with my roommate. I knew something was up... and couldn't be happier that it worked out this way. Congrats you guys! Love, Ruth

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, it is your travel mate from Zell am See Austria - Colin Lentz. Congrats on the engagement!!! I can't remember if I wrote you or not, but I recently had my leg fall out from under me as well. I got engaged to Leslie in Dec and we have plans to be married in Charleston SC in May. I still tell stories of our travels and crazy times in Europe. Remember the Russian hat you wore in Prague, and the WWI bomber helmet and glasses that I wore. Then we got a sign (like everyone else) and people were lining up to take pictures with us. They thought we worked for the resturant we were advertizing.
And then we made one of those guards laugh that is not supposed to laugh/talk etc. Anyway...Good times - glad to hear all is good. Talk to ya later.


At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh... Bali! Those were good times!!! I'll have to show you all a video of Dave surfing some time. It looks like he's petting a cat! (Don't hate me Dave, you know its's true.)
PS The Bali locals nicknamed Dave, "Tingy." Tingy means "tall" in Indonesian, but I think it means, "One who pets cats." Ha, ha, ha!

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Yes, I pet cats, but its better than squatting like your taking a poop.
Dave :)

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just 'cause I'm not as tall as you doesn't mean I'm squatting...


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